Wait for Lord

Hello Viewer,

This printable features a bird’s eye view of the mountains below.

The verse “Wait upon the Lord…” reminds me that this covid 19 pandemic season is a season to RESET

A time to sit still and wait upon the Lord

Yes, a season of Reset, Restoration, and to be Renewed.

When we keep still and wait upon the Lord, He WILL renew our strength

and He will lift us up out of this world’s mess.

Do not worry, give your anxieties to Him and

Be Strengthened.

Free Printable Popular Scripture Wait for the Lord

You can download a copy of the printable “Wait for the Lord 5X7” below

You can download a copy of the printable “Wait for the Lord 8X10” below

Arise & Shine

“Arise, Shine, for your light has come,

and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

God’s promise for a,


LIGHT at the end of the tunnel,

NEW beginning,


Free printable Scripture Arise and Shine

Arise & Shine is a printable art with a watercolor background.

Click below to download a copy of the printable art ARISE & SHINE 5X7

Click below to download a copy of the printable art ARISE & SHINE 8X10

The True Light

What is LIGHT?

A quick google search gives me this meaning,

-the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible-

I understand that light make me see things clearly in physical and spiritual sense, right?

However the quest is for the real light…

This covid pandemic darkness has caused an unstable future for many people…

Causing them to think what’s going to happen next..

Everything remains unclear unless we begin to fix our eyes on the True light and,

analyze our situation in this Light.

True Light??

As we draw strength and life from this True Light, who is Lord Jesus Christ

we can hold our peace in every situation and circumstance.

“True Light, that gives light to everyone, is coming into the world.” John 1:9

Free printable True Light who enlightens all

Hope you enjoy the free TRUE LIGHT printable!

Download the free True light 5X7 printable below

Download the free True Light 8X10 printable below

Be Still

The words “Be Still” reminds me of time spent during the pandemic lockdown.

A time when the whole entire world came to a standstill!

A time when we were forced to stop working and start thinking!

A time when we began thinking of who was going to bring us out of this situation!

I was reminded of Psalm 37:7,

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;

fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,

over the man who carries out evil devices!

No matter what, I know where my help comes from and I hope you will too!

Free printable popular Scripture Be Still

Please download and enjoy the free printable “Be Still”

I Can Do All Things

The temperature could plunge down to more than -20 degrees Fahrenheit during the coldest winter in my location.

As I look out into the woods I can’t help noticing these tiny red objects perched on the leaf-shed trees braving the winter weather…


Such a stark contrast to white snow..

Cardinals perched on the trees, each on its own branch and sitting still..

As I watched the cardinals sitting still facing the coldest of winters, I can only imagine them meditating these words,

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Free printable Scripture I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Please click the tab below to download the free printable “I can do all things”

Joy comes in the Morning


This week’s printable is ” Joy comes in the morning”

Joy is the most needed medicine for us in today’s pandemic situation.

I want this art to remind you to stay positive and look forward to a whole new morning.

Keep shining!!!

Free printable popular Scripture Be Joy comes in the morning

Click the button below to download the printable “Joy comes in the morning”